
definition of mind

The word mind is used to describe that space in which human beings store all knowledge as well as memories, memories, perceptions, etc. The mind is normally associated with the brain, the organ in which all mental processes take place. However, the concept of mind is more abstract and has to do with the non-physical if not metaphorical space where all the phenomena related to reasoning and understanding take place. Thus, the mind is not spoken of when referring to animals since they do not have a rational structure and therefore do not rationalize all the events or phenomena that happen around them. An insane person is precisely a person whose mental capacities are altered after suffering from some psychosis or psychological illness.

The idea of ​​the mind, unlike that of the brain, is related to psychological discipline, which is why it has to do more than anything with rational, emotional or sensitive processes and not so much with physical, physiological or medicinal issues, although all of them they are also related, in a secondary way.

The mind of the human being is the abstract space in which one keeps or stores elements such as the knowledge or learning that he receives throughout life, the memories and memories that allow him to manage his day to day (which allow for example that one always recognizes the same people and does not forget them day after day), the rationalization of certain physical sensations or sensitive stimuli (for example, that a certain smell is due to a certain circumstance). Other elements that lodge in the mind are also all the fears, worries, traumas and pains that a person experiences throughout their life and that undoubtedly affect the way they deal with others but also the way they live. your day to day.

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