
what is inquire »definition and concept

Through the word inquire it is possible to express the action of investigating or carrying out the investigation of something.

Carry out fact finding to find out something or discover the truth of a fact

The action of inquiring is one of the many ways or methodologies available when it comes to knowing something or discovering the veracity of a fact.

This action demands a process of collecting objective data, that is, they are not subject to or captured by any type of research.

In this way, facts will be found from which other actions can be inferred, the famous signs, and many others that can become concrete evidence about an action.

The final objective of investigating is to gather the greatest amount of evidence and evidence so that the event or event is clear and undoubted, and provides us with the accurate conclusion of what happened.

The fundamental thing to reach this goal is to effectively relate the evidence to the facts.

Now, the conclusion of the inquiry does not always provide us with a decisive result and this is so because if the conclusions are reached from evidence there is a margin of error, otherwise, if it is interpreted from facts that cannot be refuted.

Interpretation accompanied by evidence leads us to an irrefutable conclusion, while if the only thing available is to interpret evidence, we may make an error and not always arrive at the truth.

Contexts in which the inquiry action is applied

Generally, it is used in our language at the request of the judicial and police contexts, when the collection of evidence and elements around a criminal case.

In any case, it can also be used in any other context when you want to communicate that you are following the tracks or gathering information on an issue or situation that you want to clarify or prove.

The activity of investigating is an extremely common action among human beings, either, as we indicated in the first lines of this review, to discover those responsible for a criminal act, a murder, among others, or, failing that, to clarify a situation in our life, in a work context, for example.

So, regardless of the area in question, when we investigate what we do, basically, is gather data, information, to solve a conflict, a problem.

In the scientific field, it is in one of those that the action of inquiring is put into practice, since it is through it that scientists obtain new conclusions about certain phenomena, or they add new conditions to those that already exist.

For its part, literature is another of the contexts in which inquiry is present, more precisely in the popular police genre, which brings us precisely and through fiction to the inquiry procedure.

The most common story is the succession of a murder and the presence of several suspects of the crime who are usually close friends of the victim.

The protagonist is almost always a detective who will have the task of investigating the evidence, evidence, and witness statements, how the event happened, why and who it was, the latter being the most relevant part of the event since it implies the resolution of the case. and the possibility of judging and punishing the guilty.

The Sherlock Holmes story is undoubtedly the most iconic.

In any investigation process, the professionals who carry out the task, known as researchers, arrive at the discovery of the information, or the gathering of evidence, through various actions such as: asking questions to individuals linked to the event, making visits to sensitive places, among others.

The one that concerns us is a term that has a variety of synonyms, which are often used interchangeably, while that of investigate It is undoubtedly the most popular in this sense, and implies more or less the same as inquiring, since it involves carrying out various inquiries about a subject or person with the mission of discovering something that is unknown, but probably suspected, depending on the case.

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