
definition of consolidation

In the set of human activities, most have a dynamic character. Everything is subject to change. Things get better, worse, evolve, change ... Everything is transformed. When an aspect is fully manifested, it is clearly and firmly affirmed that there is a consolidation.

The idea of ​​consolidation implies that the affected thing has reached a level of maturity and, therefore, something positive is being expressed, since previously maturity had still been reached.

Consolidation is the time when stability is achieved. The economy of a country, an educational system or a company is said to have consolidated when they reach a reasonable level of operation. Prior to consolidation, the organization of an aspect is subject to changes, tests and has an adaptation period. In a colloquial sense we say that something is mature and the adjective mature would be something similar to consolidation. Something is ripe when it is fully available, its level of maturity is optimal to be consumed. Even ideas are ripe if they have passed a previous period of reflection.

Consolidation as an idea communicates confidence in something, guarantees of its usefulness and safety. Something is not consolidated when there is not enough evidence and elements to trust its correct operation and it is necessary to improve it for a time.

The term consolidation is typical of the financial world and, more specifically, in accounting. There is talk of accounting consolidation when a series of entities that belong to a business group present their annual accounts jointly. Also in the area of ​​finance, the notion of fiscal consolidation is used, a technicality that expresses a balance in the budget of public accounts.

In an everyday sense consolidation is employed in relation to employment. It is frequent that the work is temporary and the worker does not have a stability in his activity. When that stability is achieved, it is possible to affirm that someone has achieved a consolidation in their employment (because they have signed a permanent contract, for example).

In its ordinary and non-specialized sense, consolidation implies that what has been consolidated is something reliable and on which it is possible to trust. We can be sure and calm in relation to the evolution of an aspect if we have data, arguments and evidence that demonstrate its consolidation.

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