
definition of professionalism

The term professionalism is used to describe all those practices, behaviors and attitudes that are governed by the pre-established norms of respect, moderation, objectivity and effectiveness in the activity carried out. Professionalism is the direct consequence of being a professional, an individual who has a particular profession and who exercises it according to the socially established guidelines for it. The standards of professionalism can be very varied, ranging from physical and appearance aspects (such as clothing) to moral and ethical attitudes (such as the performance of duty in any situation and reality).

The notion of professionalism is related, needless to say, with that of profession. The profession is a type of trade legitimately acquired by a person after completing a study or work career that grants the specific capacities, knowledge and skills for the chosen activity. The attitude of professionalism, of acting as a professional means that when carrying out that task or activity, the person performs according to the parameters specifically established for it as well as according to general parameters of conduct and morals.

However, professionalism may exist in the case of people who do not have a legal and official profession but who still show important traits of respect, commitment, dedication and seriousness in what they do. Professionalism is undoubtedly one of the most sought after traits when establishing jobs, but at the same time it can be difficult to measure in quantitative terms. Obviously, there are some elements that can be clearly identified as a lack of professionalism, such as tardiness, aggressive language and inappropriate forms of communication or handling, lack of commitment to the activity, inappropriate appearance, the establishment of emotional ties with colleagues or clients when this is not allowed, etc.

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