
definition of chronological order

Events happen in a place and at a certain time. Space and time are two coordinates that allow us to understand reality.

The chronological order is related to the idea of ​​time. To locate the facts and understand them better, the human being has created time measurement systems. The concept of before and after, as well as the notion of present, past and future are words that are in the temporal classification of events. And the chronological order is a way of situating the facts. There is a chronological order when the succession of events follows the pattern of conventional time.

Normally the chronological order is used to refer to the first moment of something (with a specific date) and gradually the different moments follow one another over a period of time. This is the usual mechanism: from the oldest to the closest to the present. Thus, the evolution of a historical situation or the transformation of a phenomenon can be understood.

There is another option, the reverse, in chronological order: explain something from the present to the past. This procedure is used in the curriculum vitae, indicating initially the current professional activity and last the oldest activity.

The human being needs to measure his environment. We measure weight, distance and especially time. We now have clocks and calendars that make this easy. Without this chronological information it would be impossible to organize ourselves socially. When formerly man did not have the technical means to organize time, he had to resort to observation. Day and night and the change of seasons served to plan their activities. Over time, the need to be more precise arose, and it is believed that it was the Egyptians who began to have a calendar of 365 days a year. This measurement is based on the fact that the Earth takes 24 hours to rotate on itself and 365 days and a quarter of a day to go around the Sun. It is appreciated, therefore, that the movement of the Earth is the basis from which the human being created the chronological order. As the relationship between the Earth and the Sun is different in each locality depending on its location, the planet Earth has been divided into 24 time zones. Thus it is possible to understand the temporal diversity on our planet.

As in ancient times there was no single criterion, the birth of Christ was imposed as a general reference date. If something happened before Christ, the acronym a is used. C. It is a major convention and useful in global relations, although Chinese and Muslim culture have their own calendars.

The daily activity is subject to chronological order. We need to know the exact day and time of all kinds of information. So we can organize work and leisure. At the same time, the chronological order makes it possible to understand history, archeology or paleontology. It is impossible to detach ourselves from the chronological order, although that possibility is used in science fiction.

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