
definition of perishable

The word perishable is normally used to account for what is ultimately little durable and that then as such must have an end in which it ceases to be.

The perishable food They are that they begin to decompose easily and very quickly. Meanwhile, in this decomposition or deterioration, issues such as the temperature, humidity and even pressure.

Meat, fruits, vegetables, dairyThese are some of the perishable foods that need to be stored in the refrigerator and must also be consumed profusely before the date indicated on their container or packaging.

If you do not comply with this question, the perishable food will be spoiled and if it is consumed in this situation anyway, it can trigger organic decompositions in those people who have consumed it despite being contraindicated.

Fungi and bacteria they are the microorganisms that normally act in favor of the destruction of perishable foods. Fresh foods have enzymes that will promote the aforementioned degradation and that is why the texture and flavor will be seriously altered. For example, if we consume a yogurt and we feel a strange taste that has nothing to do with its original flavor to which we are used, it is most likely that it is decomposed and that it has already expired its consumption time.

After perishable foods in the decomposition chain, they will be located in a second place, the so-called semi perishable, which are those foods that deteriorate easily although they do so in a longer period of time. Walnuts and tubers (potatoes) are some of those semi perishable foods.

The most effective recommendation to preserve these perishable foods is undoubtedly the refrigerator, or failing that, the freezers and freezers, since they offer us a very low temperature environment, ideal for these foods to live fresh until the time indicated on their packaging.

And the other solution to keep these foods in condition for longer is the addition of chemical additives, such as acids and salts, which will prevent the development of microorganisms. In this way we will ensure that foods retain their nutritional properties for longer.

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