
what is physical preparation »definition and concept

The main objective of sports practice is to get a good physical preparation. Physical preparation is understood as a series of exercises that are beneficial for the body, such as cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility or coordination of movements. These qualities are achieved with regular physical exercise, along with a series of healthy habits, especially related to food.

The concept of physical preparation is equivalent to another, training. Both terms refer to the improvement of physical qualities in general.

Ten general guidelines for good physical preparation

1 • It is advisable to put yourself in the hands of a sports coach who supervises physical activity.

2 • Physical exercise should be done regularly and periodically.

3 • All muscle groups must be exercised and aerobic and anaerobic exercises must be carried out, all with an appropriate sports methodology.

4 • It is convenient to carry out a sports routine according to the age of each one.

5 • It is advisable to set medium and long-term goals.

6 • In order for physical preparation to be effective, it is necessary to incorporate a series of healthy eating habits and avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and any substance that may negatively affect the body.

7 • Each individual should practice the type of training that best suits their personal circumstances and physical characteristics.

8 • It must be taken into account that health is the main objective of physical preparation and in this sense it is advisable for the athlete to undergo a medical check-up before starting a regular physical activity.

9 • Physical exercise must be carried out with sufficient safety measures and using the most appropriate sports equipment and clothing.

10 • A poorly planned physical preparation in some sense can be counterproductive.

Photos: iStock - Lorado / AJ_Watt

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