
hierarchy definition

The hierarchy is the form of organization that will be assigned to various elements of the same system, which can be indistinctly people, animals or things, ascending or descending, by criteria of class, power, office, authority, category or any other type that occurs to us, even being the most arbitrary, but that stores and meets a classification criterion. This implies that each element will be subordinate to the one above it, with the exception, of course, of the one that occupies the first place in the hierarchy.

For example, in the animal kingdom it is where hierarchies seem to be best established and clear; A bird would never (really ever ...) try to pass over the power of a cat, its immediate predecessor in the chain of hierarchies that is defined in the food pyramid. This simple example of a relationship between species is also perceived at the intraspecific level. This means, in simplified terms, that hierarchies characterize the behavior of gregarious animals. In this way, social insects are organized in a structure whereby only one pair is prepared to reproduce, with a queen spawning hundreds of sterile individuals serving as workers and soldiers. On the other hand, gregarious mammals, such as wolves, are also surrounded by a hierarchical structure in which there are defined leaders. Unlike insect societies, which are rigid and highly asymmetric, mammalian social groups are characterized by their mobility, that is, by substitution in the event of disability or physical deficiency of the leaders.

Also, the term of hierarchy, it's been a few years, widely common and used in organizational management jargon to hint at the chain of command that these organizations generally observe and that goes in descending order from the highest or hierarchical positions, in which we find the president, directors and managers, following through the intermediate ones, such as a qualified professional employee but who does not show a degree of decision as high as the hierarchies newly appointed. Finally, subordinates or employees who do not have any type of management possibility. In companies, then, it will be the hierarchy that will establish the authority relationships between bosses and employees and on which the organizational structure will be determined.

In a similar format, military structures are defined, in which hierarchy is part of the daily order. The ability to scale positions in these organizations depends on multiple factors, but, one way or another, they are moving hierarchies with the possibility of growth in scale. The hierarchies of the Church are organized in a comparable way, in which the possibility of growth depends on many variables.

The definition of the existence of innate hierarchies in human societies is the subject of debate among sociologists, since most hierarchical structures are based on elaborate models. It is postulated that part of the behavior of human beings has biological bases, for which a certain tendency to organization in hierarchies that would arise from nature itself is presumed. Much research is still required to reach definitive conclusions.

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