
definition of social welfare

In general terms, the word well-being allows designates that state that an individual goes through and that is characterized by satisfaction and happiness.

It is also common for the concept of well-being to be used to refer to the comfortable and comfortable economic situation that a person has and that, for example, allows them to stay without problems and also, for example, make trips, purchases of goods, among others.

Now, in this sense, it is important to highlight that subjectivity will have a lot to do with the perception of well-being, that is, not all of us have the same tastes and inclinations and therefore what someone reports well-being to another may not mean what same.

Social Welfare refers to the set of factors or elements that participate in determining the quality of life of a person and that ultimately are also the ones that will allow this person to enjoy and maintain a quiet existence, without deprivation and with a constant in time state of satisfaction.

These factors include, and will affect in much the same way, economic, social and cultural aspects. Although it is true that what is understood by well-being has an important subjective load that each individual will print on it with their own unique experience, because it is clear that what for one is well-being for another may not be, there are objective factors to determine it and which are the ones that will allow us to speak and distinguish when there is or is not a welfare situation.

So, basically, the conception of social welfare includes all those things that have a positive impact so that a subject, a family, a community, can achieve the goal of having a good quality of life.

A decent job, in which the perception of a salary according to the work, training and effort carried out, plus the well-deserved rest period that corresponds to each one by law and by the task they perform, financial resources to meet basic needs such as education, housing, health, leisure time and entertainment, are the main issues that will tell us about the well-being or not in which a person, a society lives.

There are several ways to measure well-being, from a strictly economic point of view, because without a doubt, beyond any type of consideration, for or against, it is what will allow us to approach the achievement of a global well-being situation in which All other aspects are included, social, cultural, among others, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a Nation will be the one associated with the level of distribution of wealth to which said society has reached, will tell us if there is or not well-being, because a high GDP with a real distribution in terms of wealth, will cause well-being to be extended in society, but if on the contrary, GDP is not significant and the concentration of wealth in a few is what commands , then, we will not be able to speak of well-being in the society in question.

Likewise, the price indices, the basic baskets, well measured, of course, not the drawings that many governments make to favor their efforts and the unemployment rate of a Nation, allow us to know the well-being or not that exists in a society. Because for example, if in a certain country, official statistics tell us that a typical family (married couple and two children) can live with $ 2,000 per month, it will allow us to know how many families have well-being and how many do not, because easily those who do not have of that value in their pocket each month they will not have the aforementioned well-being, touching the deficiency.

But also and already going beyond the strictly economic, there are other ways to determine the well-being of a community: life expectancy at birth, the literacy rate, the number of books published per year, the number of people who can access the University, the availability of some consumer goods considered not within basic needs, such as a computer, a cell phone, among others.

Meanwhile, the maximum person in charge that will have in its hands that a society achieves the long-awaited well-being is the state, which, through various policies and measures aimed at correcting the vices and inequities that arise, promotes well-being for each of the inhabitants of the nation and for that reason, in addition, he will have the demand of himself to be able to generate and multiply wealth.

Efficiently distribute income and promote the development of public services that guarantee people the resolution of basic issues such as health and for free, of course they will contribute widely to implement a context of social welfare.

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