
definition of determinism

The determinism is the current that considers that the destiny of the human being is not governed by the Liberty but by a prior deterministic law that is inherent in destiny itself that is written from birth. That is, from this point of view, human beings cannot escape their own destiny even if they do not know what will happen in the future.

In essence, this point of view offers a very reductionist of the human being since freedom is the condition that differentiates the person from the animals. Everyone is free has the ability to make decisions and choose between different options that path that best suits that situation.

In philosophy determinism is based on the rule of cause and effect

The determinism it is the current of philosophy that explains reality in causal terms of cause and effect. That is to say, every current event conditions every subsequent event even on the plane of thought.

In deterministic thinking there is no chance as a way of explaining reality but necessity, that is, the absence of contingency.

Fight the feeling of lack of freedom

In this way, the determinism it seems like a kind of condemnation from which the individual cannot escape when he is condemned to live an agonizing destiny. Undoubtedly, all philosophical debate is mediated by the values ​​and beliefs of each person, however, reinforcing the thought based on freedom as an engine of personal improvement and full development is a good formula to fight against determinism understood as the absence of freedom. The Liberty It is the most human quality, therefore, it is a quality that shows the greatness of the human heart.

There are people who condition themselves with deterministic thoughts. It is convenient to break the chain of these types of limiting thoughts by remembering a basic premise: that something is not possible today does not mean that it will always be like that.

A world that leads us to change and adapt over time

Life is change and evolution, therefore, living implies constantly leaving the comfort zone.

Determinism can be interpreted from different points of view, for example, from the economic point of view as shown in the Marxist current. On the other hand, religious determinism also shows that the actions of humans are a reflection of divine will because God is omnipotent and has the ability to decide on the fate of creatures.

Genetic determinism shows that people act according to their evolutionary adaptation.

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