
definition of initiative

The word initiative refers to the attitude by which a person decides to do something hoping to obtain a specific result from it. The initiative can be understood as an element (for example, the popular initiative) as well as it can be understood as an attitude or way of acting in life.

When we speak of initiative as an attitude or way of acting, we can say that it can be something permanent or characteristic of a personality as well as an action or decision of the moment. When it is said that a person has initiative, it means that that person acts daily seeking to resolve the different issues that may arise, without waiting for others to solve them or without waiting for things to remain unsolved. A person with initiative is one who is active in situations and seeks to obtain a specific result from their action. This type of attitude is nowadays highly sought after in certain work environments in which it is considered important that employees seek to resolve problems or conflicts that may arise. In others, for example, a person with a lot of initiative can be seen as something negative since they are seen as an independent, restless person, etc.

On the other hand, one can speak of the concept of popular initiative, a complex political and social concept that refers to the act by which a society or people seeks to act in their reality to change or improve something with which they do not feel satisfied. The popular initiative is one of the possibilities that democracy has to allow the participation of the people. It consists of a proposal or bill that arises from the people (not from the institutions of power as is traditional) and that seeks to eventually transform itself into a law or formal decree and to be fulfilled by the whole society. Depending on each country or region, the popular initiative may have different requirements, one of them is always a high number of signatories or people who support the project, which shows that an important part of society is interested in achieving this result.

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