
definition of communion

The word communion It is widely used in our language and is usually used in various contexts.

In the field of Catolic religion It is one of the most widely used and where it holds a hyper special consideration for the meaning it has in the doctrine.

Communion, also known as the Eucharist, is one of the most important sacraments in Catholicism since it implies the reception of the body of the body and the blood of Christ. Thanks to this sacrament the life of the faithful is filled with grace and a bond of unity and charity is strengthened.

The bread and wine are consecrated in the mass ceremony and become the blood and body of Jesus so that believers receive them as a ritual of connection with God and with eternal life.

To receive the sacrament of communion, the faithful must have put off their sins, that is, before receiving it, they must confess their sins to the priest. After completing the penance that he sends you, you will be able to receive the body and blood of Christ. Meanwhile, the priest is the only individual who can carry out this ceremony. The bread used is made of wheat and is commonly known as host and the wine must be pure, that is, it must not present any alteration.

It should be noted that this sacrament was established by the own Jesus at the behest of the Last Supper with his apostles. At that moment, Jesus took a loaf, broke it and gave it to his disciples, telling them that it was his body, then he did the same, telling them that it was his blood, the blood of the covenant that would serve for the forgiveness of sins and finally He asked that this ritual be performed in his memory.

The Christian can take the first communion only if he has received the sacrament of baptism. Communion is normally taken between the ages of eight and ten. Meanwhile, the child who will receive communion must be prepared through catechesis.

On the other hand, the word communion is used to designate the contact between things or individuals and that in this exchange they are able to do so in harmony.

Also when you have something in common with another, you will speak of a communion.

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