
definition of walk

The term walk can be used to designate different situations or activities. In this sense, a walk can be both a place in which walks or other types of activities that involve relaxation, contact with nature or the outdoors are carried out. On the other hand, a walk can also be understood as the act of walking more than as a place and it is here when we talk about an activity that usually lasts several hours and that is also linked to the idea of ​​relaxation and enjoyment.

Strolling is the act by which a person or a group of people enjoy a type of activity (usually outdoors or outside enclosed spaces) in a relaxed manner. When the act of walking is carried out, you may be getting to know new places or things, but you can also be enjoying familiar places that are calm and appropriate for enjoyment. Unlike activities that involve high risk or increased excitement, walking always gives the idea of ​​peace and calm. In this sense, walking is related in most cases to walks, riding a bicycle, outdoor meals, etc., all activities that do not require too much physical wear and tear.

On the other hand, the term walk can, as has been said before, refer to a place specifically created for people to carry out the activity of walking. Such places are generally open to the public and outdoors, which is why in most cases they do not require a ticket. Among these we can mention green spaces that are designed to stimulate contact with nature and relaxation, but also walks that involve paying attention to different offers such as artisan walks, art walks in which different works are exhibited, etc.

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