
catch definition

Capture is the arrest or seizure of someone or something that normally resists being apprehended.

Arrest of someone who committed an offense

The word turns out to be very commonly used by the security forces of a Nation and also by the justice system, since it is used repeatedly to account for the arrests carried out on criminals who perpetrated an offense, or in its defect on individuals who are fugitives from justice, either because they escaped before being arrested or because they fled from jail.

"Locating and capturing the offender was really difficult for the police."

It is a term that is widely used as a synonym for the popular detention and arrest.

Deprive the person who committed a crime of liberty in order to bring it to justice

The motivation for the capture or detention of a person, normally a criminal, has the mission of depriving that individual of liberty, and is ordered by a competent authority. That is, no one who does not have a reliable cause and an authority that supports it can capture or detain someone.

The police are the ones who generally capture the offender so that he or she arrives safely before the judge, who is the official who has the responsibility of judging the innocence or guilt of the captured individual.

The reasons that generate the capture of someone may be due to: commission of a crime, being suspected of having committed an offense, escape from prison, among others.

Likewise, in the aforementioned areas, the expression capture order, which consists of the decision made by a judge requesting the police to arrest and apprehend a certain suspect, or guilty of the commission of a crime that they are investigating. "The judge ordered an arrest warrant against the manager of the company for considering him involved in the millionaire scam."

Fishing: extracting fish from their natural environment

Meanwhile, one of the activities that deploy this type of capture action is the fishing, since it consists precisely in the capture and extraction of fish or other aquatic species from their natural environment. This type of practice is considered ancestral, since it has been one of the early economic activities of a good part of the primitive peoples of the world.

Screenshot: image taken from a computer or smartphone

On the other hand, it is known as screenshot to that image taken through a computer or any other electronic device such as a cell phone, in order to record the visible elements, both from the monitor and from any other visual output device. In most cases it is a digital image taken by the operating system or applications run from the computer itself. Also, it can be a capture made by an external device such as a camera for example.

Screenshots are often used for various purposes: to show or explain a program or software, to expose a problem that a user may have with a program precisely, or to make known to another person or public some information that has been obtained via chat.

This last situation has become very common in recent times to unmask someone or to account for some information that is not known and that is obtained by chat.

The instant messaging service WhatsApp allows you to capture the screen of a chat and that is why it is so common that conversations held in it are filtered today.

The most common way to capture a screen on a computer is by pressing the print screen key that commonly appears as print screen and is located at the top, to the right, of the keyboard.

The computer's operating system and desktop environment may make the above process different.

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