
definition of decolonization

The decolonization is he process by which a colony achieves its independence from a colonial power to which it was subject. Decolonization is the opposite process to that of colonization.

Decolonization can occur due to different situations: independence, integration within an administrative power, or failing that, within another state and the establishment of a status of free association, as these situations may involve either a peaceful negotiation with the dominant country, and then, after a process of peaceful talk, a decolonization agreement is reached so that what was once a colony can regain its complete independence; and on the other hand, decolonization can be the result of a more or less violent revolt, the colonists confront the army of the dominant country with weapons or any other implement and after an arduous struggle they achieve their desired independence.

Rarely, decolonization can take place without violence, to a greater or lesser degree, it turns out to be a necessary participant to achieve it; some cases only use violence to put an end to domination and in others, violence is mixed with periods or moments of pacifist conversation that brings the independence of the metropolis closer.

On the other hand, it also turns out to be very complex to achieve independence without practical support and without the encouragement of one or more external agents such as: nations belonging to the same ethnic group or religion that therefore sympathize with oppressed peoples and decide to help them to become independent. Or failing that, a strong nation that destabilizes a colony as an intermediate step and then destabilizes a rival nation.

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