
definition of nematodes

Nematodes are small, cylindrical worms that live under the interior of the soil. Some nematodes are parasites of the roots of plants and this causes cellular alterations, mechanical damage and reduced growth in them. Therefore, nematodes are potentially destructive to the yield of some crops.

The classification of nematodes and their relationship with plants

From the point of view of biological classification, nematodes are divided into several subgroups: bacteriophages, fungivores, omnivores, predators and phytophages. Those of the phytophagous subgroup are those that specifically attack plants.

Nematodes have a sophisticated nervous system and sensory organs that allow them to reproduce and, on the other hand, to easily detect plants. Their size is microscopic, so they are not detectable with the naked eye.

The nematodes introduce their needle-shaped body into the plant and thus obtain their food, as the nematode esophagus absorbs the cellular juice of the plant.

Nematodes and agricultural activity

These organisms are found in all types of soils. However, in order for them to cause considerable damage to crops, the number of nematodes must be very high.

Its effects on plants are mainly two: a deficiency in the chlorophyll of the plants known as chlorosis and a reduction in the size of the plants that determines a lower yield of the crops.

The main problem with nematodes is that farmers may be unaware of their presence in the soil, since the plants are affected by the root and to a lesser extent by their external appearance. In this way, farmers have to send a soil sample to a specialized laboratory so that the presence of nematodes can be determined.

From a technical point of view, it is not easy to identify the presence of these worms in the soil, since the effects they produce are similar to those caused by droughts, lack of nutrients or excess water.

Farmers try to counteract its presence and for this the main strategy is to reactivate life in the soil, so that the nematode that acts as a plant parasite has a competition with other organisms and the number of nematodes is significantly reduced.

Photo: iStock - dotana

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