
definition of queísmo

In both written and oral language, inaccuracies and mistakes are made with some frequency. One of the most common errors in oral language is Queísmo and it is present in daily communication in all countries where Spanish is spoken.

The fundamental idea of ​​queísmo and examples

Queísmo is the deletion of a preposition that should be used in a sentence. For example, the sentence "I found out you were in Paris" is incorrect, as it should read "I found out you were in Paris". If I say "I'm glad you won" I am also making a mistake, because the correct thing would be to say "I'm glad you won".

The sentence "I'm sure you know" is equally incorrect and should be "I'm sure you know." The following sentences would all be incorrect, since they are missing the preposition before the nexus that: "I'm glad you're coming later" and "I'm sorry that it turned out so badly."

Main causes of queísmo

The first cause of this error is language economics, as we speak quickly and forget some words. On other occasions, queísmo occurs due to an excessive fear of making mistakes. Finally, ignorance of the syntax is another of those that produces this type of error.


Dequeísmo is another error of oral language and is as common as Queísmo. It consists of misusing the preposition of. Let's look at two examples of decheism: "I know that the bar was empty", "it turns out that the teacher did not show up in class" (in both cases, the preposition of should be deleted). In these sentences we are in the case of substantive sentences that act as the subject and, as a general rule, no subject carries a preposition.

Other vices and errors of language

In addition to queísmo and dequeísmo, other types of mistakes are made in Spanish. One of the most widespread are cacophonies, which consist of inappropriate sounds due to their repetition (for example, drinking tea will make you feel better). Pleonasms are equally common and are the unnecessary repetitions of words or concepts ("go out" or "go in" are redundancies that should be deleted and simply say go out or come in).

The barbarisms are foreign words that should not be used or grammatical errors (it is better to say park and not park and it is not correct to say haiga but there is).

Photos: iStock - Creative-idea / kimberrywood

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