
definition of consideration

The concept of consideration has several references in our language

Undoubtedly, one of the most widespread is the one that says that consideration is a typically human behavior and that it is characterized by expression of respect, of courtesy towards someone or something, a situation, because it is admired, for instance.

When a person generates admiration for what he does or for the contribution he has made to humanity, it is common for consideration for him to arise, and then, as a consequence, he is praised, cared for, and it is avoided to generate any kind of disgust.

Also, consideration usually appears for other issues beyond admiration, such is the case of affection, of the affection that one has for someone and that will then make us treat them with special deference to the rest.

On the other hand, the elderly, the elderly, tend to wake up in the common people of consideration and that is why they are left in a queue, they are given a seat in public transport or are simply offered help if it is appreciated that they need it.

It should be noted that the person considered, that is, who has consideration in their way of being, will keep in mind the feelings and personal issues of others and will act and express themselves accordingly, so as not to affect them or hurt their susceptibilities. That is, if you think that something you say or do will cause pain to the other person directly, you will not say or do it.

Likewise, this consideration is usually transferred to the tastes and preferences that others are known to have and that will be taken into account when making a gift for example.

Another use that we give to this word allows us to refer to the opinion that something or someone produces, arouses us, after knowing it or after observing a certain behavior.

And also the consideration can be the analysis that is carried out on a thing or topic, it would be to put the focus on a matter. In this sense, the action of the consideration is very important when drawing conclusions about an aspect or to determine which is the best alternative to follow.

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