
definition of harvest

Harvest is a term widely used in our language and it is used especially in the field of agriculture to designate the set of agricultural products grown opportunely, such as fruits, vegetables and seeds, among others, in the fields, and in that moment when they are already ripe and ready to eat. In other words, the harvest implies the end of the cycle of a fruit, it begins with the sowing of seeds and obtaining fruits is the last phase.

Harvesting activity and season in which the fruits are harvested

Also, the word is used to refer to the harvesting activity that takes place when these fruits, crops, are already ripe and ready to be consumed. Specialized personnel from the field are the ones who normally take care of this action because it precisely requires suitable people to do it. Once the harvest is harvested, other related actions are usually carried out, such as: cleaning the crops obtained, sorting, disposing of those spoiled and the corresponding packaging to be marketed on farms or distributed for wholesale in specialized markets. .

On the other hand, the word is used to designate the season in which the harvest is harvested.

The importance of agricultural activity in national and individual economies

Agricultural activities are extremely important at the behest of a nation's economy and also when it comes to food, basically because the harvest of crops provides us with fresh food to be consumed.

Thanks to its practice, countries obtain succulent dividends as a result of the export of the crops obtained, and also this activity constitutes the source of income for many families who normally live in rural areas, which is where these activities are carried out.

Although it is hard and demanding work, the economic possibilities it offers are profitable and balance the forced work to be carried out.

Colloquial use: the fruits that an individual achieves with their activity or behavior

And the concept also has a widespread use in colloquial language to refer to the fruits obtained by a person in the development of an activity or as a consequence of their behavior in life, especially in dealing with others, with their neighbor. "You cannot complain, the great professional activity you had this year had an excellent harvest."

Photos: iStock - skynesher / tunart

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