
definition of insensitivity

Insensitivity is understood to be the ability that a person or animal may have not to feel certain physical or emotional sensations. The numbness can also be understood as the lack of ability to feel. The concept of insensitivity has two possible spaces of use: first, there is the space or the physical and organic environment that supposes that a person can perform certain actions or receive certain injuries without feeling pain like other people (such as seen in the picture, walking on glass). The second space or scope of use of this term is that of the emotional world. Thus, an emotionally insensitive person is a person who is not sensitized or who does not feel anything in certain circumstances such as the suffering of the other, danger, fear.

It could be said that the second type of numbness is much more common today: the lack or the disability to be sensitive to different emotional sensations that can move, trauma, worry, scare, have faith in something or even make a person happy. People who suffer from emotional numbness are people who act in an excessively rational way and who do not allow the structure of sensations to creep into their daily activities.

Social insensitivity is also a very common phenomenon today and has to do with the contempt or indifference suffered by some people in deprived situations from people who are not in the same condition and therefore are not sensitized by their suffering , pain or anguish. Phenomena such as poverty, misery, addictions, lack of belief in a future and many others are all complex situations that always imply a certain level of social insensitivity, otherwise they would not exist if the population as a whole were to eradicate them.

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