
definition of tv

Known today as one of the most popular and most popular communication media in the world, TV or television is a communication system that is based on sending and receiving images and sound through different media such as radio, cable or satellite, among others. For it to be done properly, it must have a device also known as TV that is in charge of decoding the signal to transform it into a message accessible to the public.

It is believed that TV made its first commercial appearances in the 1930s, although the system was already known for scientific uses among others. It was at this time, and especially since 1950, when television became one of the most required and common elements in homes not only in the United States (its birthplace and greatest broadcast) but throughout the world. From these first moments to the present, the evolution of TV has undoubtedly been of great magnitude, including color, as well as different media, dealing with a variety of themes and including a larger number of transmission channels each time.

Normally and traditionally, television signals were broadcast through radio channels, but currently, research and technological advances make such support somewhat obsolete, preferring others such as digital for the possibility of image and sound quality. .

One of the most important elements in the world of TV is programming, a phenomenon that ceases to be merely a technical element to become a sociocultural phenomenon. The influence of the public and the selection of the programming by the same make permanent changes, alterations and modifications to the program grid common, a situation generated by the large transmission companies in order to satisfy the demands of the public and maintain always your expectation and of course the audience ratings.


To satisfy these demands of which we spoke lines above, the makers of the TV resort like great guru to the rating. The TV rating is the number of people who are watching a TV program, meanwhile, the higher the rating of a TV program with respect to another is because more people are watching it.

The rating measurement carried out by specialized companies is a vital issue to sustain the television industry, because advertising advertisers will always look at the rating when placing their brands in this or that program, doing so of course in those that measure the most audience .

It is worth noting that the programs with the highest ratings on TV will have the highest advertising rate and this will make their producers more money.

One rating point implies a hundred thousand people watching TV.

Loves and hates

Among the detractors of this medium, without a doubt, the question of criticism prevails with respect to those contents in which the intimacy of the people is very nakedly shown, even against their will.

The phenomenal diffusion that reality television has had has generated a shift in the limits and television has not had dramas in crudely showing the most intimate issues of people, their sufferings, their failures, their sadness and hardships.

Also in this sense, the fact of believing that everything happens or is interesting once it happens or is seen on TV has contributed, and for example, people have done and do anything in order to appear there, while those who have the Responsibility for the contents, dominated mainly by the commercial interest that this brings them, do not worry about improving the contents or discouraging this trend, but on the contrary they have fed it as much as they could.

Something to say in favor of TV is that to date and despite the fact that new technologies have brought new alternatives in this sense, TV has not come out of the public's predilections at all, much less, something that it has happened with other mass media such as radio and the written press that did succumb to the imprint of the new technological proposals. TV despite everything and everyone continues to be the means of communication par excellence and has not given ground to practically nothing.

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