
definition of questionnaire

The term questionnaire has two very widespread uses, on the one hand, it is a list of questions or issues and it is also that program of topics of an opposition, class, among others. While, The survey, one of the tools par excellence that is used at the request of most studies and market research, is always carried out based on a questionnaire. The questionnaire that makes up a survey will be composed of a certain number of questions, which must be formulated in a coherent and organized way, that is, the recipient of the same must effectively understand what is being asked in order to offer the precise information that is needed from him.

Conditions for preparing an effective questionnaire

Among the very important considerations when having to carry out a questionnaire are the following: the language used must coincide with that used by the respondent and the questions must be as short as possible, a question that makes it more understandable and clear; never include two questions in one because such a question will inevitably cause some mistake in the answer; start with the simplest questions and then gradually increase their complexity, it is not recommended to start with complex questions; Those questions that may generate some rejection in the respondent must be formulated in such a way as to hide this fact and must always go to the end of the questionnaire; Do not include in the questions or judgments of value or statements; Ask questions that require memory or calculation efforts to avoid falling into errors.

Kind of questions

A questionnaire can contain different types of questions, including: open (any type of response is accepted from the respondent, they are rich in detail, although they are somewhat uncomfortable when tabulating the corresponding responses), closed (the respondent will respond based on a restricted series of alternatives), semi-open or semi-closed (they take elements of the two previous forms), in battery (they are planned based on the answer given in a previous sequence), evaluation (specially directed to obtain evaluations from the interviewee), introductory (they appear at the beginning of the survey and have only the mission of predisposing the respondent favorably to agree to answer the complete questionnaire).

So, a good questionnaire should provide the information that is needed and should provide a simple analysis and quantification and then develop the relevant conclusions.

Employees in education, politics and marketing

Therefore, the questionnaires are essential tools when investigating certain questions. Of the answers that are obtained, statistical analyzes are usually carried out that allow conclusions to be drawn on the topics addressed.

Therefore, there are many areas and contexts that use the questionnaires, one of them is the educational environment that uses the questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge of the students. As the learning process progresses, teachers need to know how much their students have learned and if indeed the lessons delivered were understood satisfactorily and that is where the evaluation appears, the questionnaire that allows them to question their students through of questions that will be specially oriented to discover if they learned the topics taught in class.

The questionnaires that have the mission of evaluating students' knowledge can be done by written or oral route.

And in other contexts where questionnaires are substantial tools, it is in politics and marketing since they allow us to obtain concrete data from voters or consumers, respectively, and in this way politicians or trademarks will be able to outline their political proposals. or market to satisfy the needs that they show through the questionnaires.

Given the imminence of an election, it is common for consultants to go out into the ring with surveys that reveal the intention to vote for the candidates. To arrive at the results beforehand, they must make special questionnaires that will allow them to know, for example, which is the most accepted candidate, and also what are the needs that voters take into account when choosing or not choosing a candidate.

Something similar will happen in the consumer market, brands often question consumers through their marketing teams about the opinion they have about their products, what would change them, among other issues.

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