
definition of delicious

We use the word delicious to express that something is pleasant, pleasant and causes great delight. Generally, we use the concept in our language to account for those foods, edible, that to taste, generate enormous pleasure and taste when tasting them.

Desserts, sweets, chocolates, bonbonsAmong others, they are some of the foods that produce the greatest delight in people when they eat them and for example they are described as delicious.

The bonbon, for example, is one of the delicacies par excellence, it consists of a small portion of chocolate, which in many cases has been filled with cream, liqueurs, dulce de leche or mousse.

On the other hand, sweets are another example of delicious delicacies, sweet par excellence, which as the only nutritional values ​​have sugar or fat, no minerals, proteins, or minerals. The candies, alfajores, lollipops, chewing gums They are some of the most famous and most consumed sweets in the world.

And if we talk about delicious questions, we cannot forget about the cakes or pastries, which are made from a dough composed of flour and butter, which is then cooked in the oven and once cooked it can be covered with cream, dulce de leche, chocolate, among others and also filled with creams or fruits. It should be noted that cakes are usually a fundamental element in festivities and celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, baptisms, among others.

Also, it is common for the word delicious to be used in colloquial language to refer in an affectionate way to that person who is extremely nice. Your son is delicious, I would eat him with kisses.

Among the most used synonyms for this word are those of tasty and rich, which are precisely the ones we use the most to say that some food has a very pleasant flavor.

Meanwhile, the word that opposes is that of disgusting, which refers precisely to what generates disgust and is disgusting to the taste.

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