
definition of penalty

A penalty is a sanction or punishment imposed by a specific authority for an offense. For example, many drivers suffer a penalty in the form of a traffic fine as a result of speeding on a section of road that exceeds the permitted limit. It is also possible to penalize from the legal point of view a conduct that breaks with a legally established norm.

A penalty shows that the actions have consequences beyond themselves. And just as there are facts that are worthy of award, praise and recognition, on the contrary, there are also actions that produce the opposite effect. The penalty as a consequence must be in accordance with the cause that produced it.

Other types of sanctions

When a high school student exceeds the allowed number of absences and is absent from class for many weeks, they can also suffer a significant penalty. Some centers even expel the student for a week as a pedagogical form of punishment.

Many parents also use punishment as a form of penalty to reinforce authority over children. For example, if the child has not fulfilled his responsibility and has not done his homework during the week, some parents decide to penalize such action by forbidding the child to watch TV during the weekend or also, he may run out of weekly pay.

From an educational point of view, failure in an exam is a form of penalty suffered by the student for not having taken the subject sufficiently prepared, while a good grade is a reward for the effort made. A penalty that can even lead the student to repeat the course as a result of this accumulation of failures.

Online penalty

From an online point of view, those people who use Google Adsense as a way to make their blog profitable to earn extra money in case of having a high number of visits to the page, may also suffer a penalty and be expelled from the platform for different causes. For example, a high number of fraudulent clicks on advertisements.

It is also possible to be expelled from a forum for not complying with the established operating rules and the conditions of use of said page according to its purpose.

Photos: iStock - alexsokolov / Charles Mann

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