
definition of bicycle

The term bicycle is one that is used to refer to a type of vehicle, normally for individual use, although some models allow transporting one more person, whose main and most salient characteristics are that it has two wheels, moved by two pedals and a chain and that they will be activated through the force exerted by the legs of the person who mobilizes them.

Transport made up of two wheels, two pedals and a chain that is moved by the action that a person exerts by mobilizing the pedals. origins

The origins of the bicycle go back to the first Egyptian, Chinese and Indian civilizations; Towards the end of the 18th century, a presentation of a device quite similar to the bicycle was made at the famous court of Versailles and it was only during the 19th century that more models appeared, although quite far from what we know today as a bicycle, from anyway, as we appreciate, its origin is ancestral.

Health benefits

Used to a large extent in the urban environment, the bicycle is considered one of the most ecological and healthy means of transport that exist in the world since on the one hand it does not require any type of fuel and thanks to this any type of contamination is avoided to the environment as a result of their use, and on the other hand, it proposes one of the healthiest ways to travel, since cycling is widely recommended by doctors for the benefits it brings to physical and mental health, in addition to the clear possibility that it offers us to practice sports outdoors.

- It is one of the best sports practices when it comes to losing weight.

- It is not very tiring and despite this it allows you to burn a few calories.

- Strengthens the muscles, legs, arms, lats and forearms.

Thus, exercising with a bicycle will allow us to enjoy good cardiovascular health and reduce cholesterol.

It also has an impact on the psychic plane, since it frees us from stress and allows us to dispose ourselves in a more positive way.

How it works and types

The format of the bicycle is easily understandable. It works through a system of pulleys that make a chain keep the two wheels that are part of the system in motion simultaneously. In this way, by rotating the wheels through the pedals, they go into motion and allow the bicycle to move over space. The bicycle must have in addition to the wheels and the chain that connects them with a seat where the person is located to travel comfortably. Other elements that are usually there but are not completely necessary for its operation are the brakes (applied on the wheels in some cases and in others exerted by moving the pedals backwards), mirrors, lights, rim protectors, racks where to tie or carry luggage, baskets, speakers, etc.

There are many different types of bicycles. The most common have two wheels of the same size, although there are others that are more legendary and have the front wheel much larger than the second. Others make the person go slightly lying down or with their back supported by a backrest. Within the traditional bicycle model we find other examples such as mountain bikes, or all-terrain bicycles, cyclists, t-shirts, children.

Cycling, the sport that uses the bicycle par excellence

The sport that uses the bicycle as a leading and exclusive element is popularly known as cycling and enjoys enormous relevance in the sports world, it is even an Olympic discipline that captures the attention of all fans.

The sport of cycling was officially born in 1890, while some twenty years earlier the first cycling race had been held on a road.

And in the twentieth century is when the various categories of cycling that coexist today began to appear, such as: motocross cycling, road cycling, track cycling and mountain biking.

To develop this sport it is essential to have a great prior physical and mental preparation. It is one of the sports that demands the most effort.

The cyclist's clothing is also very important since successful movements depend on it; a waterproof T-shirt that protects from inclement weather is normally required. A pants called culotte that reaches the knees and is tight and padded. And comfortable shoes that hook effectively on the pedals.

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