
definition of attestation

The term attested has two different meanings. In one case, it is an adjective that expresses a heightened presence of something or someone. Thus, a street is crowded with people or a highway is crowded with cars when the number of them exceeds the usual or, in other words, when the number of people or things is considered excessive for some reason. On the other hand, the word we are analyzing refers to an administrative document and in this case the term is presented as a noun.

Some types of reports

Police report

In the ordinary work of the police, it is necessary to relate events to determine the existence of a possible crime. The document that is completed is known as a police report, in which a police officer must write down everything that he considers relevant about some facts that may constitute a crime (the events that occurred, the names of the people involved, the time at which they took place the facts and all that information that is considered pertinent). The police report represents fundamental information for a judge to later rule whether the aforementioned events are criminal or not. In police activity, the most well-known report is the traffic report, which incorporates technical information that is very important to define responsibility for traffic accidents.

Medical certificate

The term medical certificate is used as a synonym for medical certificate. It is a document that must be completed by a doctor to attest to the health conditions of a person; for example to carry out a work activity or to practice a certain sport.

Crowded with poverty

Those responsible for social services must prove that some people or families are in a situation of poverty, for which they prepare a document with detailed information, the statement of poverty. The content of this document is relevant because it will determine whether a person or family can receive any social assistance.

Notarial certificate

By definition, a notary has the function of attesting to something, that is, guaranteeing that a document is authentic and meets the requirements established by law. In this way, in some American countries the concept of notarial attestation is used to refer to the document by which a notary certifies certain facts.


The document of the attestation in any of its variants expresses that an authority (a policeman, a doctor, a social worker or a notary) declares something as true. Consequently, the content of the document must be objective, precise and, above all, not be untrue of the facts described.

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