
definition of cupid

At the behest of the Roman mythology, as the set of myths and legends corresponding to the culture of the Ancient Rome, Cupid, is he Love's God, that is to say, per se, it symbolizes, represents, the love desire between lovers and lovers.

Roman mythology: god of love who expresses desire between lovers and those who love each other

And it was not for less, since according to the beliefs, Cupid, is the fruit of the union of Venus, the famous Roman goddess of love and Mars, as the god of war was known.

Iconographic representation

The image with which Cupid has been historically represented is through a winged child, that is, he has wings on his back, blindfolded and is armed with a bow, an arrow and a quiver, which is a kind box used by archers and used to transport their arrows.

It is also common that in some representations it is shown blindfolded with the mission of implying that love is blind, that is, when someone falls in love nothing else will matter, for example, beauty, because love is born from the soul and not of the physically beautiful.

The arrows are elements that have a special reference in their figure and in the symbolic also because Cupid uses the arrows to link the hearts of lovers, and people usually use, for example, popular expressions such as: “Juan arrowed me of love I barely knew him ”.

Son of the gods Mars and Venus

Although there are other theories that indicate that Cupid would be the son of other Roman gods, the proposal of the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos who argued that Cupid resulted from the union of Mars and Venus is the one that has relied the most, while, according to it, Cupid, would have been born in Cyprus just like his mother Venus.

It should be noted that in his first months of life and as a consequence of the threat that Jupiter launched on him, Venus hid him in the forest and made him suckle by some beasts.

Despite this, Cupid, grew up beautiful and brave like his parents and it would be in the forest where he would procure his characteristic elements of bow, arrow and quiver.

He used two types of arrow: to fall in love and sow indifference

Also, according to legend, Venus would have given her son two types of arrows, some with gold tips that would be in charge of sowing love and others, with a lead head, that would take care of the opposite: sow forgetfulness, indifference and lack of love.

But Cupid was not an innocent winged child, far from it, he was often very problematic, and then instead of assisting his mother Venus, he used his power to complicate things, interfere in the lives of mortals and gods.

For example, to Apollo, once he got angry with him because he had made fun of his skill as an archer, he arrowed him to fall in love with Daphne, while he shot her an arrow of indifference, and of course, it caused a lot of pain in these…

For those who like to draw parallels and similarities with the other classical mythology of antiquity, the Greek, the equivalent of Cupid there is Eros.

A myth that transcended time and mythology itself and reaches our days

One of the curiosities that surround the myth of Cupid is that it has managed to transcend mythology itself and has become an integral part of the collective imagination of all times and therefore turns out to be the image that was most used yesterday, today and surely tomorrow too, when it comes to representing love.

So much so that Cupid jumped from mythology proper and joined various fictional stories, in literature, television, cinema, theater, among others, to precisely represent love or be in charge of sowing it in some ...

We must also say that in recent years, Cupid has become the icon of the most widespread and popular celebration of love in the world, such as Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, which is celebrated every year on February 14. and in which lovers take the opportunity to celebrate their love in various ways.

Gifts, outings and romantic dinners are some of the most common ways to celebrate this special day.

Meanwhile, businesses that sell gifts for this particular day especially use the figure of Cupid to promote their products.

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