
definition of expert

An expert is a qualified professional who certifies a great command of a subject. Therefore, he is an expert and his knowledge allows him to assess a situation rigorously and objectively.

The figure of the expert can be related to all types of areas or activities, that is, engineering, insurance companies, in the field of justice, etc. Normally, the expert has to evaluate a technical situation to determine what has happened in relation to a controversial matter, for example a car accident, a fire or a technical assessment on a field.

In the field of justice

In some judicial processes it is necessary to resort to a person who is an expert in a specific matter and outside the judicial process, the expert. Your specialized knowledge, your qualification and your impartiality will allow an objective idea to be offered on a matter. In this way, the judge will know an accredited and rigorous opinion from someone who knows a subject well. Thus, in a lawsuit related to waste contamination, it will be necessary to have an environmental expert so that the judge can know what has happened.

The expert report is the document prepared by the expert to answer all the technical questions that have been raised in a process

Obviously, the expert report is a tool that aims to advise the judge so that his final sentence has a technical basis. In this sense, the expert report has to be rigorous but not excessively technical, otherwise it is likely that a judge would not understand the document.

Another possible intervention of an expert is known as the expert opinion, which is the final phase of their intervention in a trial and consists of explaining in a document their definitive conclusions on a matter.

What does an agronomist do?

The university studies of agronomist expert are oriented to the agricultural, livestock or forestry areas. His knowledge allows him to evaluate various technical issues (agricultural appraisals, plot measurement, topographic plans ...). His experience and qualification mean that he can be required in the field of justice as a technical expert in agronomy.

Photo: Fotolia - lunamarina

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