
definition of valley

Depression of the land surface that manifests itself between two slopes in an inclined and elongated way towards a sea, lake or endorheic basin

Valley is called the depression of the land surface that manifests itself between two slopes in an inclined and elongated way towards a sea, lake or endorheic basin, through which the waters of a river or the ice of a glacier generally pass, failing that . Among the main causes of its original formation are: river erosion or mechanical weathering.

Most common valley types

There are different types of valleys, in which the different geographical contingencies will have a lot to do with determining and differentiating them.

In a young relief, valleys in V generally predominate, which are characterized by their slopes little shaped by erosion and which converge on a very, very narrow bottom.

On the other hand, when the state of erosion is really advanced, the so-called alluvial valleys, which have a flat and wide bottom, made up of alluvial deposits between which the passage of water wanders and oscillates.

Then we can meet with the valleys in U, which are a direct consequence of glaciers. They have very steep walls and the bottom is concave. Within this type, it may be that when an old glacier retreats, the bed of one of its tributaries is at a height well above it and then when its slope empties it will form waterfalls.

The Dead Valley or also popularly known as a decapitated river (because it no longer presents a watercourse) it occurs when one river is captured by another, or when its bed has been closed by a mountain range or other reservoir.

While, the blind valleys, originating in the karst lands, that is to say, a product of the chemical weathering of certain rocks, are those that do not have a natural outlet and are closed by a counter slope, then, the waters that circulate through the soil penetrate the ground and continue their course through an underground type network.

And the Endorheic Valleys, very common in those more arid areas, they take place because rivers cannot leave their hydrographic basins by running through these types of valleys.

Famous valleys

Among the most famous Valleys that can be found in the world geography are the following: Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Loire Valley, Napa Valley, Nile Valley, Valley of Mexico, Ebro Valley, Danube Valley and Central Valley of California, among others.

Places on the planet that are characterized by having a formidable scenic beauty

But beyond the strictly geographical thing that we were explaining in detail above lines we must say that the valley is not only that, an accident of world geography, but that the valleys are also places on our planet that are characterized by having a formidable scenic beauty and that causes in those who visit them a tremendous admiration for the singularities of the land. The natural environment that accompanies them should also be highlighted because it adds to that visual and beautiful postcard that they provide us and because in terms of their value they are certainly a determining element. Many of the valleys have animals and native flora that distinguish them and that wonderfully accompany their unique geography.

Favorite places of nature-loving tourists

For these issues that we mentioned is that the valleys turn out to be places in high demand by tourism that just likes to be close to nature and that delights in the mere contemplation of a beautiful landscape.

Those who love nature and nature hikes often choose the valleys as their destination.

Take care of the natural environment of the valley

Meanwhile, because of the importance they hold in the natural plane and also in the tourist demand of a nation, it is very important that the valleys be cared for and protected. Many of them are located in National Parks that enjoy the protection of the state, but of course, this is not always enough and it is important to raise awareness in those who live there, and in visitors of course, so that they contribute to their care and not to them. damage with an inconsiderate and unnatural action.

Other uses of the term

In another order of things, we must mention that the word valley has other uses in our language. It is a word that turns out to be the last name of many Spanish-speaking people, and there is a very popular expression, valley of tears, which is used with the mission of referring that this or that person is flooded by sadness and crying as As a result of having suffered a situation that caused him a lot of pain.

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