
private-public property - definition, concept and what it is

The idea of ​​property refers to the right that a person has to use something exclusively. Therefore, it is a primary right from which other rights are derived. In any case, the right to property implies that what is owned is intended for use by its owner and that such use is protected by law.

The right to property is considered as a legal recognition by which the assets of an individual are legally recognized and this recognition is what allows an owner to manage their possessions in the way they consider most appropriate (they can sell them, make exchanges or just keep them).

The idea of ​​property understood as belonging or possession of something can be raised in various senses and dimensions and for this reason we speak of intellectual, industrial, horizontal or usufruct property. However, there are two different general realities: private and public.

Private property

The concept of private property is subject to permanent change, since something I own can be sold and in this way the ownership of the property changes from one person to another.

If there were no private property rights over the means of production, it would be practically impossible to carry out any economic activity (for example, cost-benefit analysis is what makes the acquisition of a new property possible).

From the point of view of politics and economics, the idea of ​​private property is fundamental. In fact, the capitalist system is based on the defense of private property as a basic right, while the communist system has as its purpose the abolition of private property of production goods and, consequently, the implantation of collective property. .

Public ownership

When the ownership of a good belongs to the state, it is called public property

This idea starts from a general principle: certain goods and services must belong to the whole of society and its appropriation is not convenient for it to be in private hands. In other words, public property is seen as an approach that fulfills a social function. And for this to be possible, the state must protect public assets.

Both senses of ownership are compatible

The right to private property does not exclude the recognition of public property. Along these lines, the right to private property and, at the same time, the ownership of certain services by the state is compatible with all nation states.

Photos: Fotolia - Luz Robada / Marc Jedamus

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