
definition of alluvium

A flood is a phenomenon of nature and usually has devastating effects. An alluvium occurs when a large volume of mud, water or ice travels at high speed and as a result of this there is a destruction of everything that is in its path, that is, trees, houses or any type of infrastructure.

Alluvium usually occurs after heavy rains or as a result of a period of thaw or snow slide from a mountain peak. In this sense, it should be noted that the alluvium is very similar to the avalanche, which consists of the displacement of snow from a slope. Thus, the alluvium may refer to mud and snow but the avalanche refers only to the snow located on the mountainside.

Floods are dangerous for two reasons: because of the great difficulty in predicting them and because their consequences can cause human losses and devastation of the natural environment.

Security measures in floodplain areas

In areas where floods occur with some frequency, it is common to adopt a series of preventive measures. First, it is common to have a general evacuation plan. It is convenient that trees are planted in low places, because in this way the destruction of the forest mass is avoided. On the other hand, the alluvium tends to "warn" a little in advance, since moments before it explodes it is possible to hear a kind of murmur or murmur (especially in cases of snow floods).

Once the alluvium has occurred, it is recommended to find a place as far away as possible and go to an area with a certain elevation. Regarding the infrastructures and homes that may be affected, experts advise building retaining walls that can stop the displacement of land or snow from the alluvium.

Another sense of the term

The word alluvium is not always related to a displacement of mud or snow, but is used in a figurative sense. Thus, if someone is highly criticized for any reason, it can be said that they have received a barrage of criticism. With some frequency there is talk of a barrage of complaints or opinions.

Let's imagine that there is an accident that causes many injuries and because of this many blood donations take place. Faced with this situation, it could be said that there has been a flood of donations.

In general, the alluvium is a response to something and this response is intense, forceful and energetic, as the real alluvium manifests in nature.

Photos: iStock - Mr_Twister / Urban78

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