
symbol definition

The word symbol admits several uses in our language, while the most widespread use designates that image with which it is sought to represent a concept, whether intellectual or moral, through the realization of an analogy, that is, a similarity, or from a social convention.

Image representing a concept or idea by analogy and social convention

That is, the symbol is the externalization of an idea or the expression of a conventional meaning that has a similarity with that meaning.

Recognizable, easy to understand, representative and an integral part of the communication

This graphic or figurative representation of an idea or concept is generally found throughout the world and is easy to recognize and understand because it does not depend on a language, it can be perfectly understood anywhere in the world, among these most emblematic cases We must mention the white dove, a symbol of peace, the white flag, a symbol of surrender, or also of peace, the cross symbol of the Christian religion and the Star of David that is the symbol of the Jewish religion, among others.

So symbols are a very relevant part of our communication.

Used by associations, groups, individuals, sports clubs, trademarks for people to quickly associate with them

It should be noted that symbols are widely used by groups, associations, individuals, among others, to represent them, so the display of this symbol allows people to recognize them quickly and easily.

For instance, a red cross is the most recognizable symbol of the International Humanitarian Association of the Red Cross and when we see it, it is a clear indicator of the presence of this group on the scene.

There are also some artists who use symbols instead of stage names.

On the other hand, the countries have several National symbols, local, that distinguish them from the rest, such is the case of the flag, shield, among others.

We cannot ignore in this sense the football clubs who use symbols that identify them and that allow them to be recognized beyond their name, just by seeing that symbol you recognize this or that club, such is the case of their shields.

And religion in general also uses a fabulous number of symbols to express various ideas.

Symbols have had a strong presence in past cultures, illiterate and pre-literate, but it also has a strong presence in literate ones, and in the hyper-technological cultures that abound today as a consequence that the symbol is a very effective element when it comes to transmit a concept and idea, especially because a visual element and its structural simplicity make them quickly fixate on perception and also on memory.

Almost all human groups share traditions, customs and customs, and ideas that are reaping their own symbols, representative, and of course shared by all members of the group.

This brings people together because it allows them to share and establish lasting ties.

In the world of marketing, the symbol occupies a very important place, especially in recent decades marked by the relevance of communication and advertising.

For example, commercial brands spend time, effort and a lot of money to develop their logos, because it will generally be from these that they are recognized and they can be present in a simple, constant and forceful way in the market.

The visual impact produced by logos is very important and also very effective in any commercial strategy, and this increases in the case of brands aimed at young audiences, who are very aware of the image.

Now, although the shared collective has a great force and impact, each person also usually attributes a very own meaning to certain objects or things that are around him and that are important to him, such is the case of a book , of a garment, of a watch, because of course, they will be associated with a beautiful and exciting memory, impossible to forget.

Chemistry: symbol that dominates a chemical element or compound

On your side, in chemistry, the symbol is the letter or the set of letters with which a simple or compound element is named.

The same or the same have been previously agreed.

Thus, the Carbon is symbolized by the capital letter C and oxygen by the capital O.

Numismatics: emblem containing the coins

And in the numismatics, a symbol is the emblem or figure to be added to coins or medals.

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