
definition of listening

The term listening refers to the action of hearing, for which it is required to use the auditory sense. In some cases, the word listen may be related to an attitude rather than a physical practice and this is the reason why the term 'hear' is used as a physical reaction and the term 'listen' when it is implied that the receiver of sounds also pay special attention to them. On the other hand, listening many times can be related to concentration and focus directed towards a certain flow of sounds.

When speaking of the ability to listen, one is making unequivocal reference to the use of the auditory sense. In its most basic modes, the act of listening to a sound is carried out through the perception of its vibration, vibrations that are then recognized and interpreted by our brain. The ear and the ability to listen is in most cases involuntary and spontaneous, although there may be situations in which, through concentration, it is possible to hear sounds that would not normally be easily captured.

The ability to listen can be impaired in many situations. One of the most common is when a large amount of noises and sounds are presented to our ears that we cannot process and that, therefore, greatly stun us. At the same time, our hearing capacity is highly reduced underwater, as well as the same situation when there are more or less extensive distances between.

The term listening can be applied on a social level as well. It is in this sense that we must speak of the capacity and sensitivity of an individual to listen to another who communicates their anguish, their concerns or their experiences. Having an ability to listen and respect the space of the other is undoubtedly one of the best values ​​that an individual can show since it implies dedicating time to serve as support to those who need it.

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