
definition of political philosophy

There are different applications of philosophy. Political philosophy is that branch that focuses on the analysis of political content, focusing on good professional practice.

In this context, this discipline reflects on its essential principles such as the exercise of power, the ethics that must accompany political practice, freedom in decision-making, the different forms of government and the types of society.

Origin of political philosophy

Plato and Aristotle were very important thinkers in laying the foundations of political philosophy. The Greek philosophers viewed philosophy as a fundamental wisdom knowledge to practice politics as a virtue-based instrument that furthers the social good. Political philosophy also reflects on an issue as important as political corruption that can be the result of misunderstood exercise of power.

Political philosophy encompasses the study of political phenomena from an analytical, rational and objective point of view. Political philosophy also reflects on the benefits and drawbacks of different political regimes, the criterion of justice and the importance of social rights as a fundamental pillar of political action.

Political philosophy is also part of the necessary government exercise of the polis, that is, of man in community. Politics also starts from the difference between what is public and what is private. In this context, politics focused on justice, analyzes the rights and obligations of citizens.

There are some fundamental concepts of political philosophy: rule of law. This political philosophy also reflects on the principle of different social institutions and the norms they regulate.

Political philosophers

There are great political philosophers who have marked history. Confucius was one of the first thinkers who linked ethical action with the practice of politics. Thomas Aquinas also reflected on how the human being can carry out a righteous government through the practice of virtues. Nicolás Machiavelli was an expert in the study of power and law.

Thomas Hobbes is the philosopher who reflected on the social contract as the axis of the power of the governors.

Political philosophy is a fundamental value for power to be exercised for the benefit and happiness of society thanks to the exemplary nature of its rulers. Democracy is the type of government most valued for putting power in the people and their right to vote.

Photos: Fotolia - Maksim Kabakou / Fuzzbones

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