
definition of hate

Hatred is that feeling of aversion, of very intense rejection, that one person feels towards another or towards something. Hate is the most negative feeling that a human being can experience in his life, because with him he wishes the greatest possible evil, either on the hated subject or object.

Feeling of extreme dislike and rejection that you feel for something or someone

The enmity and revulsion are the two issues that are most closely linked with this feeling, while if any of these exist, it is most likely that the situation that, for example, began as a dry enmity, then, with the passing of time and the accentuation the feeling turns into pure hatred.

Hate generates two very specific behaviors, on the one hand avoiding what is hated and on the other hand the destruction of what generates hatred. When the feeling of hatred is directed at a human being, it can be materialized in insults or physical assaults.

Traditionally, hatred has been identified as the opposite feeling to love, however, there are those who argue that from love to hatred and vice versa there is a very short path, since generally hatred is awakened by those important and mobilizing people to the person in question.

Believe it or not, but there are plenty of cases of reality that show us that this question is widely feasible, for example, couples who profess unconditional love and suddenly out of the blue hate each other and have no regard when it comes to defenesting themselves. .

So if we consider this question, it would be more appropriate to say that the opposite of love is indifference rather than hatred.

Reasons that move hatred and violence, revenge, anger and contempt are linked

Among the reasons that lead someone to feel hatred for another or for something are that that other has made him suffer or has threatened his existence and that of his loved ones. I have a deep hatred for the individuals who murdered my husband. ".

Therefore, violence turns out to be the most common consequence of hatred. Both in the personal aspect, as we mentioned in the previous paragraph, and in the social sphere, everything that refers to violence will generate a feeling of intense rejection.

An issue that appears many times associated with hatred and we could almost say comes from the hand of it is revenge,

When someone feels a deep hatred towards another or something, it is certainly common for them to decide to profess it, to express it by devising and developing a revenge against them.

Revenge is nothing more than a reprimand, a punishment, that is exercised against the person or that which is the object of hatred.

Of course, it is a harmful action whose purpose is to cause severe damage to the person it is intended for.

Normally, whoever develops a revenge against another considers that in this way he will be receiving compensation for the injury he suffered in a timely manner.

And as we already pointed out lines above, we feel hatred for that or that which caused us some harm, for example, revenge often turns out to be the immediate and most common response attributed to the one who hates himself for harming us.

On the other hand, and in addition to revenge, we can point to anger and contempt as reactions that accompany hatred.

When we feel hatred, it is very common for us to express it with great anger at what awakens it, that we shout, that we strike against it to express it.

And the other way to express it is through contempt, which is the same as not estimating it, not having consideration of any kind for that object of our hatred.

As we appreciate from everything that has been said, hatred is a hyper negative feeling, there is nothing positive around it and therefore whoever feels it will be affected by the darkness that this feeling generates and will tend to become someone incapable of feeling good feelings.

This is why it is often said that feeling hatred is not good or healthy for anyone.

Hatred, in the long run or in the short, will make those who feel it unhappy and sad, it will isolate them.

Let's think about war but, almost all wars are unleashed by the confrontation between divergent positions that take these differences to the limit and settle them with weapons.

And as we know the result of wars is always negative, there is one that triumphs, yes, but things, goods, lives, among others, are always lost on both sides.

Therefore, hatred never leads to anything good but quite the opposite, let's try to avoid it.

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