
definition of tongue twister

The word tongue twister is applied to those phrases or verses that are intended to make diction difficult so that by repeating them over and over again the person gains practice and can correctly modulate their words. Tongue twisters are very common in all languages ​​and are understood as games, especially designed for children of a certain age who already have speech but have not yet reached the maximum level of speech development. The name given to these communication games is precisely tongue twister because their objective is to lock the tongue to make the person practice them until they can say them well. Many tongue twisters are learned but can still be funny due to their difficulty even for adults.

In Spanish, one of the most famous tongue twister phrases is that of Three sad tigers, which combines many letters t with letters r and e. Although this is only one of the phrases of the verse, the rest continues with the intention of continuing to confuse the diction by repeatedly using the letters mentioned.

Tongue twisters can play not only with the combination of letters but also with the combination of stress and pronunciation sounds, elements that are perhaps more noticeable in other languages ​​such as English or French. Some other tongue twisters can also include numbers and in various combinations, which adds loudness and greater difficulty to their pronunciation. Tongue twisters are often used as games in kindergartens to teach children to speak correctly and to understand that with practice they can improve diction in a special way. Tongue twisters can be taught to children orally or in writing, and in the latter case, conscious and applied reading is also promoted in children of infant age.

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