
definition of invasion

We can characterize the invasion as that act by which a person or group of people violently or suddenly occupies a territory or space previously occupied by another group of people. The invasion is a normally conflictive act since it confronts two or more parties who enter into a dispute from that moment on to know who owns the territory and why. Usually, the term is used in military settings or when referring to historical events, but it can also be a minor phenomenon when a group of people invade a building or entity, etc.

Invasion is the sudden and usually violent occupation of a space that is being occupied by others. It can be carried out for different reasons, mainly they usually have to do with economic, political or geographical issues. There are cases of territorial invasions in great quantity in the history of Humanity, some of them justified if historical, geographical or social reasons are taken into account and others based on a desire for conquest or imperialism.

One of the main problems of the invasion is that it usually generates important conflicts between those who occupy the territory and those who wish to occupy it. In some cases we can even speak of possession of a territory by right or by fact, which means that although a territorial space belongs to a people, in fact the one that occupies it is another, for which it could also belong to them. .

Conflicts, wars and confrontations between different peoples due to invasions and occupations of territories is a permanent phenomenon in Humanity, even today there are cases without possible resolution, such as the case of Palestine and Israel. Others have been solved by the use of force, as happened, for example, with the European invasion and conquest of America from pre-Columbian societies. Finally, there can also be cases of planned invasions that are only temporary, in the context of a war or conflict (such as during World War II when the Americans invaded Normandy with the aim of preventing the Nazi advance).

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