
definition of pause

In its broadest sense the term pause refers to that brief interruption of a movement, process or action that was unfolding. It can be carried out with the aim of resting for a moment because an exhausting limit was reached, and after it, resume the activity with more impetus, or failing that, it can respond to the succession of some unforeseen event that causes the aforementioned interruption. We had to pause the stretching exercise because a classmate broke down. I took a break from my activities to pick up the boy from school.

Also, to the lateness or slowness it is designated by the term of pause. Only when Laura speaks slowly do I understand what she means.

Secondly, at the behest of Linguistics, is known as pause when silence that observes a variable duration and that delimits, either a phonic group, a sentence or any other orthographic sign that represents it. When we read some text and any of the following punctuation marks appear in it: a comma, a semicolon, a period followed or a full stop, then immediately after them we will have to pause our reading.

Meanwhile, in the music field, a pause will be the short interval and the sign that represents it whose duration will vary depending on the note in question.

In colloquial language, pause is called break time or lunch time an employee has at work. We went to have lunch at the bar on the way back during the break.

For its part, the metric pause is the designation that is given in poetry to the pause that delimits a verse; it is a stylistic device of the genre. All the verses are obligatorily accompanied by a metric pause, which will be the rest at the end of the verse, while the acute, grave or esdrugulo endings become equivalent when the metric pause arrives.

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