
definition of dimensions

The word annotations corresponds to the plural of the term boundaryMeanwhile, the term is used in our language with various references.

Delimitation of a land for a specific use

The delimitation that is made of a land to reserve it for a specific and specific use is often referred to as a boundary.

Annotation made in the margin of a speech to clarify or highlight something

To annotation that is made in the margin of a writing With the main objective of clarifying some question, highlighting something that the text in question says so as not to forget it and when you want to remember to find it more simply, it is called annotation.

The annotations you left me in the book are not clear. Shall we review them?

Undoubtedly, the aforementioned is the most popular use attributed to this word, as a clarification, or addition, which is carried out as we have already said on a text, speech, or on a document.

And as we always point out, its location is in the margin of those said written documents.

Ideally, they should be written in capital letters so that they stand out and differentiate themselves from the main text.

Use in theater

Another recurring use of the word is given at the behest of the theater and involves that note that in a theatrical work has the objective of clarifying issues related to the setting, the action or the movements of the characters.

It works as a kind of guide for all professionals involved in this work.

These dimensions will indicate the characteristics of the set, the entrances or exits and the movements that the characters of the work perform, even indicating in them the tone of voice that they must use so that they are as is the one requested by the author or director. in the original script.

Comments on topics under discussion

In common language, it is common to speak of annotations when you want to refer to those comments that people make on certain topics that are being raised or discussed.

There are people who constantly like to limit their perceptions and ideas about the topics that are discussed, where they are present.

In some cases, there are individuals who exceed this practice and can be annoying because they are always commenting, adding something to what is decided or proposed, and then a final conclusion or decision on an issue is not reached.

Of course, whenever a discussion process is going through, it is widely positive that those who want and have ideas and knowledge on the subject under treatment provide their comments, and much more if they bring important solutions, now when it is the dimensioning because it can be annoying.

The measure of the characteristic of an object

Also, we call dimensioning the measure of a characteristic of an object, which must be specified in a timely manner in a technical drawing. In the drawing of any type of entity one of the most important actions turns out to be the dimensioning.

Also, called as dimension or dimension, the dimensioning must meet a series of specifications to facilitate its reading and therefore the construction of the piece in question.

Meanwhile, there are different uses of dimensioning in this sense, among which the following stand out: dimension or size dimensions, location or position dimensions, general notes and local notes.

The dimensioning is regulated by an ISO standard and among the most common types are: multiple dimensioning, tabulated dimensioning, dimensioning by coordinates and series of equal dimensions.

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