
definition of figurative language

At the behest of the linguistics, the concept of Figurative language, which is the one that this review will occupy next, is used to designate that type of language in which the words that are used do not exactly refer to their literal meaning, that is, when in figurative language this or that word is used, it will in no way imply its exact reference but it will suggest another one.

Type of language that uses words with a meaning other than literal

In as much and for the foregoing it is common that in this type of language they are extremely common changes and departures in terms of the meaning or reference of a word.

Nothing better than to present a concrete example to clarify the issue ...

Applications and uses

In our language we all know that the word lion designates that carnivorous mammal, belonging to the felidae family and that as a consequence of its active and forceful imprint, it is popularly designated as the king of the jungle.

Now, making use of the indicated figurative language, when someone says that this or that in front of a situation behaved like a lion, in reality, what they will try to refer is that the person in question acted in a brave and energetic way and not the mammal per se. "Juana defended her daughters like a lioness, when thieves tried to attack them.”

It should be noted that in figurative language the sender, or one of the interlocutors of the message, will suggest various questions from the use of it, although the corresponding conclusion drawn by the receiver or interlocutor will depend on both the knowledge of the language and the culture, since without the knowledge of these things it is difficult to understand what has been wanted to convey in the message.

Thus, someone who does not know these characteristics about the lion and does not know that a parallel is usually woven between this animal and the brave person, will not understand what is being meant.

Literature and journalism, two areas where this type of language is used to gain emotion and expressiveness

In the field of literature, especially in those works that have poetic characteristics, is where we can find most with the use of this type of language.

And likewise, in the journalism, we may come across this language.

Meanwhile, just as in literature or journalism is where we most frequently find the use of this type of language, we must say that in contexts such as legal and scientific it is not used in any way since its use would complicate understanding and the development of these activities.

To explain and define some issues inherent to science and law, it is essential to express oneself through clear, concise, and precise language, in order to avoid confusion or misinterpretations.

In contrast, for literary language, the use of this type of language is extremely positive, enriching, because it allows applying nuances to the various words and expressions.

For example, in the case of poetry, which addresses feelings and emotions, it turns out to be a great contribution to the expressiveness of the work in question to be able to use this language, because ideas can be transmitted with an absolutely personal, original and heartfelt stamp.

Many authors and poets use words and relate them to ideas and feelings that are quite different from those that the dictionary refers to.

With an example we will see more clearly this type of use in poetry, when an author expresses that a woman has the eyes of the sea, what he is wanting to express is that she has light-colored, blue eyes.

This language also allows the creation of metaphors that are very common in this type of literature.

The metaphor consists of the use of one word or phrase by another, generating between them a relationship of similarity that will not be expressed.

This language would be the opposite of the call literal language , which is one in which the words that are used are used with their formal meaning, that is, the words are given the same meaning as their dictionary meaning.

Beyond the classes of languages, figurative, literal, we must say that language is an essential communication system for human beings, precisely to be able to interact with each other, to express ideas, feelings, or emotions, among others.

Also, because it allows messages to reach those with whom you are interacting immediately.

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