
definition of establishment

The concept of ruling class or ruling class has been replaced by another, the English term establishment. This word refers to any person, social group or institution that has a significant influence on the whole of society.

Who is part of this select group?

A political leader, a relevant media outlet or a finance guru have something in common: they all have a specific weight in society. Their opinions are taken into account and everything that surrounds them becomes news of general interest.

From the perspective of the globalized world, a brief list of the establishment could be the following: lobbies, large corporations, representatives of banks, some prestigious institutions, etc. Being part of the establishment is related to economic, media and social power. If a politician is part of a national parliament, but is integrated into a minority, it could not be said that he is a member of the establishment.

To have this consideration it is necessary that some general requirements are met:

1) that conventional positions are defended (for example, bipartisanship in the political sphere),

2) that the individual or group in question has the label of winner, since no loser or marginal group has this consideration and

3) that the ideas being defended are aimed at preserving the established economic and social order (it would be unthinkable for an anarchist group to be part of the establishment).

Establishment paradoxes

With the word establishment there is a paradox. On the one hand, whoever is part of it has power, wealth or influence, but at the same time the term is used in a pejorative sense because it is considered that the establishment comes to be a club of privileged people whose only intention is to remain in their own right. dominating position.

If a person is integrated into the establishment of his profession, he becomes a consecrated figure and, consequently, is recognized by some but envied by others. In this sense, there may be another paradox: someone who confronts the establishment becomes a well-valued character and his position contrary to the established power makes him a prominent member of the anti-establishment, which is basically another type of establishment.

The case of the Sandinista Front

Ideas and values ​​are not static but are subject to constant transformation. Sometimes there is a curious journey from marginalization to social recognition and the prestige of the establishment club.

The case of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua is an example of this curious transformation, since in the 1970s the Sandinistas were revolutionaries who defended the armed struggle and eventually became the leading group of the nation.

Photos: Fotolia - Fisher / Mesamong

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