
definition of self-management

The term self-management It is widely used in our language and for this reason it is possible that we meet it in various fields, while in the economic field the management system of a company is called that is characterized by the fact that it is the workers who make the decisions inherent to production.

Economy: management system of a company in which employees make decisions

As we know, the usual thing is that these resolutions are made by the owners who are not the employees.

Now, before referring to specific situations, we must mention that it is a concept made up of two words that also have commonly used references.

Car is a prefix that refers to that which is its own or, failing that, by itself, inasmuch as, management It will involve the management or administration of a company or business.

In the field economic, the word that concerns us is used to name the particular management system that a company presents and that is characterized because it is its employees or workers who have authority and decision on the production and operation of the same.

Cooperatives, the emblem of self-management

Cooperatives are the emblematic example of this mentioned system.

The cooperative in the economic plane represents a solidarity organization, formed by the union of several people who work together to achieve an end or goal.

Its members, formally known as cooperative members, have as their objective an economic plan that is only plausible to be achieved with the union of all, leaving aside individual purposes.

They are all the same, there are no bosses

One of the characteristic features is that in the cooperative everyone is equal, there is no boss or someone who has more power than the other, they all have the same value and the same importance, that is, they are partners, colleagues.

There may be a differentiation in terms of functions to ensure efficient activity, but who occupies each position is decided by the majority of the group and the occupation of these positions is for a specified time.

Cooperative versus company

As can be seen, the cooperative faces the concept of a company that prevails in the capitalist system and in which there is an owner who is the one who has the means of production, and the employees who offer their workforce in exchange. of the perception of a salary; the owners are the ones who take all the profits, while in the cooperative the profits are divided equally among all.

It is worth mentioning that cooperatives prevail in political contexts where there is a predominance of Marxist and anarchist ideas, which are opposed against private property.

On the other hand, it is usual that beyond the dominant political ideology in a place, the cooperative can arise as a consequence of the bankruptcy of the company.

In order not to lose their source of work, the employees decide to continue operating the company per se.

Politics: government carried out by those bodies directly elected by their members

On the other hand, in politics, self-management implies that type of government that operates in a country or community in which the bodies directly elected by its members are responsible for public and political administration.

Regarding administration of companies or business in generalSelf-management involves a series of methodologies, strategies, among other issues, that are put into practice and that allow individuals to direct and make decisions in their activities in order to meet the objectives that have been proposed.

Mainly, this proposal's mission is that it is the people themselves who can fulfill their objectives thanks to their own efforts and decisions.

Basically, this action is put into action by setting goals, tasks, plans, self-evaluations, which serve as support and help on this path of self-management.

Although it is a method that has been implemented primarily in the context of companies and businesses, today, it has already been extended to other fields such as psychology, also in education, in computer science, area so popular these days, in medicine, in cooperatives, among so many contexts in which this proposition is of enormous help for the achievement of goals and development in general.

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