
definition of meteorologist

A meteorologist is he specialist or scholar of meteorology. Meanwhile, the meteorology It is that discipline that deals with the study of the weather, the atmospheric environment, the phenomena that develop there and of course the laws under which they are governed.

Although one of the main professional activities that the meteorologist can develop once received is to predict the weather, either in a specialized agency such as the National Meteorological Service of a State, the meteorologist, can also bring their knowledge professionals towards other areas in which knowledge of this type is important and fundamental for the development of an activity or of life itself in any part of the world in which one is, because many activities depend on the climate.

Thus, a meteorologist, in addition to the places mentioned, can work in an airport, in a field, in a laboratory, in an information medium, among others.

There are three types of meteorologists ... operational meteorologists They are those who are especially dedicated to weather prediction; From the investigation and analysis of factors such as the wind speed, the direction of the wind, the pressure of the environment, among others, it will tell us how today and subsequent days will be presented; it is capable of manipulating meteorological radars, remote sensors and satellites, among other specialized tools.

Then, the operational meteorologist will be able to work in an information medium, to anticipate to the audience the climatic changes that are expected and how they could influence their lives. Your presence at an airport will also be extremely useful to predict possible inconveniences that affect flights and in an industry, for example, fishing, which needs to know the climatic conditions of the area to which it is going to avoid accidents.

For his part, the environmental meteorologist it deals especially with the quality of the air that is breathed in a city or region and for that it needs to monitor the air itself and then provide conclusions about whether or not there is pollution, its effects, among other issues. For example, the contribution of a specialist of this type is very important at the request of a environmental impact report.

And the climatologists they are in charge of analyzing and predicting the impact that some situations have on the planet, for example, they analyze the global effect of global warming and the possible consequences that this would have in the future.

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