
definition of geronte

The term elderly is a term used to designate those people who are already in what is normally known as "third age" or who are elderly and who maintain other characteristics such as not being forced to work. The word geronte comes from the Greek language, in which the term geron it meant 'old man'. Although the concept of geronte is not used as commonly in oral and informal language, it is this word that gives other related words such as geriatric, where the elderly reside.

The term geronte was used in Ancient Greece to designate those people of legal age and already elderly who were considered at that time as the most important sector of society. This was so because the old people made up a council called gerussia to which one could turn for advice and assistance especially with regard to political or administrative matters. This shows us that at this time for Greek society being old was precisely a sign of courage, wisdom and power.

Nowadays, that conception about the elderly has changed and this has to do with the development of a type of society in which productivity and consumption are very important axes of its operation. Thus, young people are today preferred for being able to produce more and better and also for being the ones who consume the most. Elements such as the wisdom or knowledge that one accumulates throughout life have taken a back seat.

Another proof of this situation is precisely the existence of exclusive residential places for the elderly or the elderly: geriatrics. There, families register their grandparents or elders as long as the professionals can take care of them and thus limit their responsibilities over them.

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