
definition of internal regulations

An internal regulation is a regulatory system through which a group of people is organized (a cultural association, a political party, a company, a sports club or any other).

As a general rule, each human group is subject to external rules and regulations, which are imposed by a higher entity (for example, the state establishes laws that are later embodied in specific regulations). However, each group is organized according to its own criteria and interests and in this sense it is necessary to establish internal regulations to guarantee the proper functioning of an entity.

General characteristics

Every internal regulation has a fundamental general idea: there are rules that must be complied with. The important thing is that these rules are adequate, neither too strict nor too permissive.

For compliance to be effective, it is necessary for the rules to be known to all members that are part of a group. On the other hand, they must be clear and without any ambiguity. It is also very convenient that the rules are updated and adapted to new circumstances. Another important aspect is the disciplinary regime, that is, the set of sanctions that are imposed when there is a breach of the internal regulations.

Internal regulations in a company

Many companies have their own regulations. It is logical that this should be the case, since in this way possible conflicts are avoided and general criteria are adopted that make it difficult to make arbitrary and potentially unfair decisions.

It could be said that an internal regulation in the business environment establishes the “rules of the game” of work, that is, what can be done and what not, as well as the limits on certain actions and the appropriate procedures.

Normally, the regulatory provisions are presented in articles that are grouped into various topics (on punctuality, overtime, conduct, clothing, penalties, etc.).

With the consent and support of all parties

In order for an internal regulation not to remain on “wet paper” it is necessary that it be signed by the employees and, above all, that it be applied normally and fairly, since a regulation must be the same for everyone and without any exception. Finally, it is very convenient that the regulation document is agreed by the employees and the employer. In this way, it will be understood that it is not a whim or that it has a sanctioning or repressive intention but that the regulation obeys a legitimate purpose: that the work activity takes place with the least possible incidents and in optimal working conditions.

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