
definition of accuracy

Accuracy, fit, truthfulness

In its broadest sense, the term accuracy refers to the precision of something, the adjustment of one thing to another, or the veracity of a question. That is, the concept is often used as a synonym for truth.

"Accurate reporting has been our goal since we started the newspaper project."

A necessary condition when reporting

Precisely, accuracy must be a maxim that guides the behavior of the mass media: radio, television, graphic press. In the communication maelstrom in which we are all immersed today, media professionals and the public, imposed by the fantastic technological revolution, many times, unfortunately, the necessary condition of providing information with accuracy is lost or left in the nebula.

The desire to be the first to give the scoop, attentive, many times, against the accuracy and this turns out to be unforgivable because basically you are lying or giving an erroneous information to the public about something, and the cost is still higher when what is being reported inaccurately captures the attention of a significant portion of the public, because it is a fact of great interest.

Communicators should address the issues as accurately as possible, providing solid details and arguments, which do not lie or give way to ambiguous interpretation of the facts that are being reported.

The accuracy will be the quality of those questions and things absent of errors and of which there is not the slightest doubt, for example they do not generate any discussion.

When people carry out tasks, actions or activities with accuracy, the result that is achieved will always be the expected one, the one that was sought. In accuracy, as we already pointed out, there is no possibility of error or failure.

Now, to achieve it, it is not enough to say it or think about it, but it is essential to act in a sense that precisely allows us to achieve that result. If we act in a timely manner and according to how we are supposed to do it, following the precise and corresponding instructions, then we cannot fail.

If we have to think about sciences that have precisely this exactitude, we cannot ignore mathematics. Because who dares to argue that 2 + 2 = 4… Nobody.

The ability of the instruments to measure with great closeness and success to the real value

While, at the behest of engineering, industry, science and statistics, the accuracy turns out to be the ability of an instrument to measure a value close to the value of the real magnitude. If we assume the realization of several measurements we will not be measuring the error of each one of them but rather the distance at which the real measurement of the average of the measurements is found, that is, if the instrument is calibrated or not.

Accuracy implies precision, although precision does not imply accuracy. Precision, on the other hand, is the ability of an instrument to give us the same result in different measurements that were made under the same conditions.. In addition, this is especially relevant when investigating physical phenomena. On the other hand, precision is a quality that should be evaluated in the short term and should not be confused with accuracy, therefore, to clarify the concept of accuracy, which concerns us, it is worth highlighting this issue, then, so that there are no doubts, do not generate confusion, the precision will be when the instrument always gives you the same measurement with respect to a single measured fact, while in the case of accuracy it refers to how close that measurement turns out to be from reality.

For example, in target shooting, we would be accurate if we always hit the same spot and we would be accurate if our shot hits the exact center of it.

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