
definition of coefficient

According to and taking into account the context in which it is applied, a coefficient can refer to something that together with something else causes a certain effect.

While, In the field of physics, a coefficient will be that numerical expression, which, through a formula, will determine the characteristics or properties of a body, for example, coefficient of expansion, drag, attraction, diffusion, among others..

On the other hand and in a different area, such as the math, is designated by the term coefficient to the multiplicative factor that belongs to a certain object such as a variable, unit vector, base function, the most important being the binominal coefficient, which is the one that will indicate the number of ways in which subsets can be extracted, starting from a given set.

And finally one of the most famous and popular coefficients in the world, if not the most, is the IQ, which refers to the number that results from the practice of a standardized test that measures the cognitive abilities of an individual in relation to the age group to which they belong.

Its abbreviation is IQ and it is considered that 100 is the average in an age group, if it exceeds this mark, then, we will be in front of a person who has a higher IQ than normal, for which that person has an intelligence superior to that of the rest of his peers.

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