
definition of hermaphrodite

Through the term Hermaphrodite it refers to that animal that brings together the two sexes, female and male.

In the case of plants, we will speak of hermaphroditism when stamen and pistil meet in flowers. And in the chaos of human beings, an individual is said to be hermaphroditic when he meets the traits of both sexes, especially if he has both reproductive organs, both totally or partially.

Meanwhile, this situation or biological state is known as hermaphroditism..

When a living being, as mentioned above, plant, animal, human being, has the male and female sexual apparatus or a mixed apparatus and is capable of producing male and female gametes at the same time it is said that such a being is hermaphrodite.

Although hermaphrodites produce both types of gametes, it is very difficult for themselves to fertilize themselves, by this we mean that to fertilize they will need the help of another relative.

For example, in the case of plants, although the flowers have both sexes, the maturation of the gametes occurs at different times, so cross-pollination is inevitably required to carry out fertilization.

This is as we said, common in flowering plants and in some animals such as snails and earthworms.

On the other hand, hermaphroditism is a situation that can also be found among fish, even the question goes much further, as they can change their sex even after having started their life with one sex and having procreated several times.

Hermaphroditism is considered as a more primitive indication of reproduction than unisexuality, a fact that is demonstrated in the frequency in which this state manifests itself among lower organisms.

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