
definition of specialization

The Specialization implies the limitation, the adaptation of something so that it can satisfactorily fulfill its objective or function. “ The specialization of this room as a neonatology room will be carried out shortly when the building works begin.”

Limiting something so that it can fulfill its purpose

Following the aforementioned example, we must purposely say that many activities demand that their performance count with the presence and availability of certain resources and tools so that they can be carried out in a compliant manner. Generally, if these elements are missing or there is no suitable building preparation, even if you have the right personnel, it will be impossible to carry out the corresponding task correctly.

For example, the professionals involved are important in many professional activities, but also the inputs and tools they use to carry out their tasks.

Preparation or training of someone in something

Another use of the word specialization is to refer the preparation, training, rehearsal, or study in a certain skill, activity, art, or branch of knowledge. “ The specialization in pastry will allow you to achieve a better job opportunity.”

Association with professional training that specializes someone in an activity

Thus, this sense of the term is closely associated with the academic and instructional environment, since it is through it that people can access a specific and special preparation or study in order to carry out an activity.

Let us think of the case of the medical degree, the students, in the average five years that the degree lasts, study general concepts that have to do with the human organism and health, however, once the study of the career ends and The student graduates as a doctor. If, for example, he wants to dedicate himself to the branch of medicine that deals with the reproductive health of women, he must specialize in that subject, and then he must continue specific studies on it.

And once that specialty is completed, you will be able to dedicate yourself to reproductive medicine. The aforementioned is known as gynecology obstetrician.

Meanwhile, the concept of specialization is closely linked to two others: special and specialty.

Special is everything that anyone's sight is singular, particular and different from the general and the ordinary; the special will be proper or specific for a specific purpose, meanwhile, the specialty is that branch of activity, art or science that has a delimited object and on which very specific skills can be developed.

So, specialization implies the detailed study of a limited topic, for example, and as we already mentioned lines above in relation to medicine; Let's look at another case, a person who studies interior decoration and specializes in making curtains.

Currently there is a huge number of educational offers that offer specialization in the relevant areas after completing a bachelor's degree, although professional practice will also be key when it comes to specialization, for example, a journalist who for more than thirty years has Dedicated exclusively to covering and analyzing international events, he may effectively consider himself a specialist in international affairs, even though he has not completed any academic specialization in the area.

The importance of experience and the benefits it entails

By this we mean that experience, in many professional fields, is also relevant and as important as the theoretical study that can be received in an educational institution, because depending on the contexts, on many occasions the experience achieved through the years of conducting a task grants knowledge as or more important than that which can be obtained from a teacher or a book.

An individual who has achieved a specialization will be called specialist.

What will be opposed to specialization are those activities or general knowledge.

It should be noted that whoever obtains a specialization in a certain professional area or subject will observe a brand that will distinguish him from the rest of his peers and that will surely allow him to take advantage of the context in which he works, or failing that, in the labor field in which it applies.

That is, having a specialization can be the key to achieving a job position for which you apply, if the rest do not have that specialization.

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