
definition of typography

Printing technique by type

Typography turns out to be the art and printing technique through relief forms that are called types, which, made of lead, once inked will be applied to the paper in order to obtain a printing job, either a document, a text, among other materials.

The main and primary objective of typography is to achieve, by placing the letters, numbers or symbols, distributing the space and organizing the types in question, maximum comprehensibility of the text in question on the part of the reader.

Typography classes

There are several types of fonts, including: detail typography (includes in addition to the letter, the space between the letters, the word, the space between them, the line spacing, the columns), macro printing (takes care of the font, its style and the body), edit typography (Includes those typographical issues that are linked to families, letter sizes, spaces, line measurements and everything that comprises a normative character), creative typography (It is understood as a visual metaphor, the text not only has a linguistic function but will also appear graphically represented as if it were in fact an image).

Typography through time

In its beginnings, typography was proposed to directly imitate human calligraphy, while with the passing of time and the evolution that occurred in this field, those types were chosen that provided the reader of the text with the greatest readability and understanding of it.

Among the original fonts we find the Carolingian lowercase, the Roman square capitals, among others, while, at present, the number of fonts that exist and the improvement that has been achieved in this field is incredible.

The most common type classification that we find speaks of humanistic or Venetian, ancient or Roman, transitional or royal, modern, Egyptian or sans serif.

As is known, Gutenberg's invention, the printing press, in the 15th century, caused them to spread in a phenomenal way throughout the world, especially in Europe. By 1500, Europe had approximately 1,100 printing presses in operation.

With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, a great change occurred since the initiative to automate printing with two very different proposals arose, the monotype that proposed the fusion in relief of each letter of the alphabet separately, and for its part, the linotype, offered the opposite, to cast in relief a complete line and separately, meanwhile, when the printing was finished the process began again to create new lines.

And already moving forward a lot in time to reach these days we must emphasize that computer word processors today have a very wide variety of fonts. One of the most popular is undoubtedly the so-called Times New Roman because it was designed especially for the prominent English newspaper The Times. Among the main advantages it has is the great readability it boasts and the use of space it offers, a question that is certainly appreciated in the graphic media.

These benefits that are attributed to Times New Roman have made its use also spread on the web and therefore it is common to appreciate it as the typography of various websites that want to maintain that readability and understanding that it proposes and of course also the savings in matter Of space.

On the other hand, the printing methodology that uses the aforementioned movable typefaces and the workshop in which the technique described above is used is also known as typefaces.

And in the field of graphic design, typography designates that discipline that deals with studying the various ways of optimizing the graphic arrangement of oral messages.

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